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Raven (not verified) , Wed, 11/11/2020 - 02:25
You forgot to mention that Jim is also a retired Mountie! You also forgot to mention that Jim also will tell his viewers that they shouldnt do what he does at home. You also forgot to mention that Jim does specify that the raccoons do forage for food in the woods behind his house too. The raccoons are very polite. In over the 20 some years he has been keeping his promise to his wife, he has made sure that the raccoons have just enough to still make them forage for food. It may seem like he feeds them alot but when winter starts to approach, the raccoons need to basically triple thier body weight and Jim is only one source of food for them....Please give Jim the respect he deserves! This is his promise and retirement that he really enjoys...As he has said in many of his videos-- "once im not here to feed them, they will just go back in to the forest and forage even more for food. They will be completely wild. I'm just one food source."
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