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Le KENOBBIE (not verified) , Sun, 11/15/2020 - 10:01
What a great name, FAITH. I was working in Janesville, Wisc, when MIRACLE was born.
Those two are the only FEMALE white bufs I have heard of. She sure is bright white and has some nice grounds to play in/on.
I will try to make it out to see her when you let the location be known. The farm where Miracle was born had busloads of visitors. Ministers from every religion you can imagine, religious leaders from all over the world came to see her. The fence lines were covered in effigies to her.
I got to help when the vet came to check on her, and she was amiable towards me, a good sign, I understand. I do have a lock of her hair, and the smaller statue, under glass, used to do the full-sized monument of her.
She has since passed, so it is now your place to show the world FAITH, as she may be THE SIGN we have all waited for.
Thank you for allowing me to see her.
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