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Michelle Cornellier (not verified) , Thu, 09/28/2023 - 12:59
I find it very interesting that in the last few years, there has been more and more articles of this kind. We seem to have to define or redefine everything. Up until a few years ago, Montana had less then 1 million folks, which by the way, Montanans loved and laughed about. I believe that moving to different regions and states gives the opportunity to respect the people in that place. The statement, “we are all Americans or immigrants “ is always said in reaction to articles like this, but misses the point. My great grandfather immigrated from Norway, homesteaded on the northern prairie of MT for seven years with the hope of land and to become a citizen. It was no small feat. He loved MT and the U.S. and passed that down to us. I’m a 4th generation Montanan, who respects what my family did. It placed something indelible in us. My mother’s family is native. She also gave us an appreciation for this wild, untamed land and asked us to not forget where and who we came from. I’m proud to be a Montanan and respect those that love and appreciate the folks that have left a door open for others.
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