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Ashley (not verified) , Wed, 02/17/2021 - 13:17
As a 5th generation montanan that was pushed out, and my poor dad is looking at selling his farm there also, I concur. I had a house. I worked hard to get it. Had a fixed rate mortgage. And my taxes would not stop increasing. My neighbors turned into snobby uppity ppl that were no longer like neighbors I grew up with. I no longer could afford to eat anywhere, and they served crap I'd never heard of. It sadly is no longer home. It's a strange universe where I started keeping tally of how many ppl I educated about kitty litter and pushed out because they had no clue how to drive in snow. My favorite outdoor spots became overrun. My entire life changed. I had to get 2 jobs to pay my increasing home taxes. I should have been perfectly comfortable with a great educated job. I'd been there at that job with a state and national title for 5 years. I left too. Such a huge relief! I don't tell ppl where I moved from or where I moved to. I'll be damned if I'm getting pushed out again and Bozeman is nothing that is Montana anymore.
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