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Matt (not verified) , Wed, 02/17/2021 - 22:00
Bozeman's problems are not new or unique. I find it ironic that the author now lives in Butte. From what I have learned there is a long history of (white) people coming to Montana to rape and pillage. What is a true Montanan? The ones who sell out the family farm for housing developments or fracking? The ones who profit from selling the authentic experience to the tourists or build the mansions that encroach on the wilderness? Why did we all come here, for the great internet, the Starbucks, the olive garden? When I came here it reminded me of the town I grew up in when I was growing up but now they have all sold out. Used to be there was actually places to shop for things of utility downtown , now we only go downtown to party. If the kids need shoes or school clothes or gear it's Costco, target, the ski swap. If you think skiing is expensive for a single guy flipping burgers try it for a family of four with a mortgage. But it is worth it. My wife and I met here as did many of our friends we talked about moving back closer to family, but even now, where do you go after Bozeman? It is not what it used to be but nothing is. We have to work for it, it is worth working for still. So maybe you don't get the trail to yourself and you have to be the early bird to get on the river, it is still good. Would you rather be in Denver or Dallas? We tease our friends that have "moved away" because all of the assholes from California have ruined Bozeman, now they are the asshats from Bozeman ruining Three Forks. Now I thought we were all just Americans.
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