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Candee Schweitzer (not verified) , Thu, 02/18/2021 - 01:50
Same thing happening in Missoula. Any two bedroom older home is purchased, torn down no matter if it is in good condition, and 3 stacked cube houses, 2 and 3 stories are put in on a lot 50 feet wide and the depth of from the street to the alley! Existing codes and setbacks do not allow you to build even a shed or garage to be built on your lot, even though it sits completely back on the alley, yet if you tear the existing house down you can put 2 or 3 buildings that are 2 or 3 stories on that same lot ! Infill is what it is called! No yards to speak of ! No fire defensible space to speak of.. very little area left of ground for water drainage from roofs to be absorbed! This is ruining the nice older neighborhoods of affordable 2 to 3 bedroom homes! These new buildings are NOT. “ Affordable Housing“.! They are $426,000 EACH! Being purchased l sight unseen before the framing is even finished! No public hearing to come into your neighborhood !
Where is the Fire Marshal. when these are being approved? Even if they have that corrugated steel siding, which should not be allowed in residential neighborhoods, the wooden structure underneath that siding will burn if the neighbor building is only a few feet away! Setbacks have been changed and older existing houses only required 2 ft setbacks and some were built before the property lines or setbacks were even clear! Good sturdy well built houses! The taxes of $2,500 plus for those older houses will really skyrocket even more for what the new buildings are selling for! More tax money to build and buy more buildings and land for more “non working, with no intention to work people”. Who move to Missoula to live for free, which will make it impossible for established $11 / hr workers to be able to rent or buy , let alone for existing homeowners to be able to continue to live In Missoula! I am TOTALLY DONE with Missoula! As soon as I can figure out where to move I’m gone! Current homeowners have no say as to what happens in their neighborhood anymore! Retirees who own their homes will not be able to pay their taxes, even with “senior” discount!! Even if you fight against something at the council meetings and you win, within 18 months it will pop up on an agenda and get passed without you even knowing about it. If the Mayor wants something it will happen, whether the people want it or not! More “ affordable housing” will pop up with rents of $1,500 plus! I’m almost 76 and had hoped this would be my house till I die, but I’m Done With Missoula!
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