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Clint (not verified) , Thu, 02/18/2021 - 07:22
I'm sure I'm the one guy in the crowd you'll disagree with. There's comments about developers bribing someone to not build "affordable housing".... Are you going to force contractors, framers, Sheetrockers, painters, floor guys and the vast web of people involved in building houses to work for free? Because the fact, the simple fact is, there's not enough development, and the people in power.....the people you generalized as "Bozeman" when you say Bozeman needs to do this and Bozeman needs to do that..... those people make streets curvey instead of straight. They require a park for every single neighborhood, to the point that city taxes can't afford to water and now them all, let alone actually have swings!!!.... But I digress.
If there were more than enough houses and apartments, the. The rent and selling prices would fall. And the article must have been written long ago because starting wage anywhere around Bozeman is $15 and it goes higher for a tiny smidgen of experience....
That's $30k a year at full time. And I grew up here. Making $4 an hour to bag groceries and pump gas. I delivered pizza and made a fortune on tips.....not surprisingly, the rent was the same equivalent percentage from what I made, that current rent costs to $11-15 now.....but I guess we have to write and complain about it on our thousand dollar smart phone.
Butte is great, so is Ekalaka. I hear Martinsdale is nice......heck, check out Clyde Park. There's about 300 people there. Pretty sure the metro zoomers aren't heading to Broadus or Judith Gap.
I could be wrong
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