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Glenn Monahan (not verified) , Sat, 02/20/2021 - 15:03
Yup! What has not been brought up is the impacts on wildlife. We now have "wreckreationists" invading every square inch of habitat on every conceivable device - bikes, snowbikes, motorcycles, ebikes, ATV's, and god knows what's around the corner? Personal electric helicopters???? Remember that the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is the best preserved - and still largely intact - temperate ecosystem in the WORLD! Where else are there grizzly, wolverines, lynx, robust elk herds? The ONLY defense we can muster is maximum WILDERNESS PROTECTION for as much of the landscape as possible. Only WILDERNESS will protect wildlife from the hoardes. Wilderness designation for the entire Gallatin Range, including the Porcupine - Buffalo Horn drainages immediately north of Yellowstone NP. When its gone - its gone forever!
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