What I find amazing is that not a single person, in all of these comments, came to Bozeman's defense. That's because what became of Bozeman is indefensible. What's worse is that the Governor (who moved to Bozeman in 1995) with his version of economic development (cut taxes on the rich so that they will move here, like they do in Texas!), wants to turn the rest of Montana into what Bozeman is now. His rich, high tech buddies will drive the rest of us out of the state. It's the same old trickle down economics that has never been proven to actually work for people who aren't rich and pay a higher portion of their income in taxes. We do not live in Montana to make a killing, we're here to make a good living in a great place! (I had the opportunity to move to Bozeman in the mid-80s, and I'm glad I didn't. I'm happily in Helena.)
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