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Susan Olson (not verified) , Tue, 01/11/2022 - 22:12
My husband and I lived in Bozeman on South Black that winter and he was up early every morning to shovel the side walk and steps before we went to work. We owned a daycare on the main floor of that house and the second floor was an apartment. He threw snow every morning up on the ever growing pile and before long the entire town of Bozeman had piles of snow on both sides of the walk way taller than we were. It looked like tunnels everywhere . If someone left their vehicle parked on the street it was totally buried when the snowplows came through. Some of those vehicles stayed buried until spring. We lived on the corner of Black and Dickerson so we had a garage behind the house that we could park in but would have to dig a trail for the truck to get backed out and onto the street. At night we didn't go out anywhere it seems but we would hurry up and get dinner dishes done so we could play cribbage every night and we kept track of our wins and losses. I don't remember much else about that winter
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