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Gregg Memphis TN (not verified) , Wed, 01/08/2025 - 00:18
I too was lucky enough to get the gift of the Marlboro Ranch experience. Won in March to go in July and build up was fantastic. And when the plane left the connection all the passengers were wearing the same hats. What stands out to me was anything you wanted they were trying to give you the staff I had never met all called me by They took you on a slow horse ride up the side of the mountain of aspens to take some photos that had the ranch, lake and buildings a photographer's dream. A chef was on duty in case you woke up wanting a snack in the middle of the night. No TVs just incredible meals an open bar from 5 pm till no drama though since security was retired Law enforcement... I also remember huge crystal Marlboro ashtray they couldn't let anybody have because the logo was on them they always found guests trying to sneak out. But the activity I went for was kind of a dud a trip to Yellowstone....... Was about 3 hours drive to park few hours quick trip through that little part of the park and then a 3 hour drive back. In July it would be 90 during day and freezing cold at night and dead silent except for occasional animal noises. Deer would walk through the the town the mess hall. 1/2 hour massage every morning and chair 15 quick ones all during the day. And yes every guest got a xxx stetson cowboy hat shaped for you the 1st night but when when got on the plane to go home myself and 1 other guy had our hats on / in our hands for the flight home. I wonder what kind of photos and videos of the total experience Marlboro has for us that went to relive and the ones who never got to go see just what an true adventure they missed.
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